Friday, September 28, 2007

My Hubby Truly Enjoys Hockey Against a 2 y/o

Long time, no blog. I bet all three of my regular readers are just crushed!

My husband introduced himself after I did at our parent/child class this week. I mentioned that my professional/personal lives converge in terms of general "caregiving issues," and it touched me when he mentioned that as a respiratory therapist/a.m. dad, his two lives converge this way as well. He's always been a great dad, but he's enjoying the role and taking ownership of it more each year. To put it a little cornily, he's exploring more of his full humanity beyond gender stereotypes. He can cook and help little kids get ready for school so much better than six years ago. (But make no mistake: still very into hockey and paying absolutely zero attention to fashion--some manly things never change).

Anyone who's been married/partnered for more than a couple years has probably had the chance to marvel at a partner's growth in some area or another. It's a definite perk of long-term relationships. I can't imagine what my grandmother felt when Grandpa died, after 60 years of marriage together. Frankly, I'd rather not.

Friends coming for dinner--gotta run. Luckily close friends who won't mind that it's a rather thrown-together, spontaneous menu in a not-yet-clean house.

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